Growing systems for the Zambian grower

We have been selling Haygrove tunnels in Zambia for the past fourteen years. Many hundreds of hectares are being used in Africa, particularly Kenya and South Africa, and growers in Zambia are now gaining the same benefits.

Haygrove Field Scale Tunnels, have serious strategic significance for our planet. The world’s population is growing sharply and needs healthy and efficient sources of food. The climate is becoming less reliable as we have seen with the delayed rain season the past few years and more and more Zambian growers are encountering exceptional weather events such as hail storms, heavy thunder storms and lower night temperatures which decimate outdoor crops. By using polytunnels, our food can be grown more locally and reduce the carbon impact from long-haul transportation. This is bringing the additional benefit of producing more of our Horticulture crops within Zambia thereby increasing the Zambian Agriculture Industry and overall economy as it is reducing the amount of imported fresh produce.

Haygrove Tunnels are one of the most sustainable answers. Tunnel growing seriously lifts yield of Class One produce – for most crops the impact is an increase of 50% to 70% because of the protection they give from the natural elements as opposed to outdoor production which causes severe crop damage and a high loss of first grade harvest.

Haygrove Tunnels enable growers to carry on picking and delivering produce to the market throughout the year, reduces pesticide inputs by up to one-third and significantly saves water by reducing evapo-transpiration through the use of precision drip irrigation. By adding gutters to the tunnels and using simple water catchment methods we can harvest rainfall ensuring that more of the water that falls on Zambia actually stays in the country!

Our Demonstration farm near Chisamba, 40km north of Lusaka, is a showcase for the Haygrove Technologies but more than this is a Commercial Research and Demonstration area where we have gained and continue to gain experience in growing crops under Haygrove tunnels in Zambian conditions. This knowledge will be passed onto our tunnel customers on a ‘Grower to Grower’ level to ensure they are also successful.

Haygrove Zambia will strive to ensure that Zambian growers benefit from all the relevant Haygrove Technologies that are presently available and that all their new developments are tried and tested in Zambian conditions and when proven to be beneficial brought to the attention of our customers.


Haygrove Tunnels in Zambia

The first Haygrove tunnels were erected in Zambia late 2005 and every year since then more tunnel units have been constructed to benefit various growers. In total over 18 ha’s of Haygrove tunnels are now in use in Zambia covering crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, courgettes, flowers, blueberries, strawberries, fish hatchery ponds and even a swimming pool


Increase Tomato Profits by Growing under a Haygrove Tunnel

Heavy rains and even hail storms damage the crop and this, in turn, brings an increase in diseases such as blight and rotting. Therefore just a few weeks after the onset of the rains there is a shortage of tomatoes on the market and the price increases dramatically. Growing tomatoes under Haygrove tunnels enables the grower to hit this peak price period with high-quality first-grade fruit and thereby maximizing return in profit. Higher yields increase profits even further.


Benefits of growing tomatoes under a Haygrove Tunnel 

  • A decrease in disease infestation especially during the rains
  •  Reduction in the use of expensive chemical pesticides and fungicides
  • Increase in first-grade percentage fruit to obtain the best market prices
  • Production of Hybrid non-determinate varieties leads to higher yields
  • 8-12 kgs per plant are possible
  • Longer lasting crops – up to 12 months – means fewer costs in plant material
  • Warmer temperatures during the winter maintain higher production
  • Risk of low temperature ‘frost’ damage is eliminated


Haygrove Zambia History

  • 2004

    Phil Bailey arrived in Zambia as an Agricultural Trainer for rural farmers in the Eastern Province

  • 2005

    Agreement signed for Phil to cover Haygrove tunnel sales in Zambia

  • 2005

    First Haygrove tunnel sales in Zambia – four hectares constructed over four different farms

  • 2006

    Tunnels sold in Livingstone

  • 2007

    Tunnels constructed over fish hatchery and ponds

  • 2010

    Three hectares sold to one cut flower farmer

  • 2014

    Lima Agro Consult Ltd formed as a Zambian Registered Company

  • 2015

    1.2 ha’s of Haygrove tunnels constructed for Zambian farmers

  • 2016

    Trading as Haygrove Zambia

  • 2016

    1 ha of poly tunnels constructed in total

  • 2017

    Jackson Kasolo joined the Haygrove Zambia team

  • 2017

    Large Contract won with Syngenta to put up twenty poly tunnels throughout Zambia for seedling production

  • 2017

    A total of 3.75 ha’s of poly tunnels constructed

  • 2018

    A further 1.5 ha’s of Haygrove tunnels went up in Zambia

  • 2018

    By the end of 2018 over 18 ha’s of Haygrove poly tunnels are now in production throughout Zambia